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Fast and lightweight
Lightning fast and small straight out of the box.
Fully cross-browser compatible
Works with all browsers (even Internet Explorer).
Personalised themes
Customization support and extensive designing options.
Completely open-source
Webmasters may modify the code as they wish.
Integrated plugin support
Add additional features throughout the code easily.
Free lifetime support
Help with any problems that might arise, completely free.


PHP Language
PHP 5.1 or higher.
cURL Library
cURL installed and activated.
DOM Document
DOMDocument installed and activated.

Our Proxies

You can beat censorship with our list of hand-picked, authorised web proxies. The list is always
growing and advancing to help provide the best service for everyone.

Censor Dodge UK Web Proxy

Censor Dodge Web Proxy

Censor Dodge Web Proxy

Censor Dodge Web Proxy

Censor Dodge Web Proxy

One-Click Proxy Setup

You'll never have to worry about finding a working web proxy again. Just make your own in seconds!



Join thousands of others and download the latest version of Censor Dodge today!
Completely for free, forever.

Get in contact

We are always happy to hear from our fellow censorship opposers, whether you are a webmaster or just a novice.